At dawn the drums started up again!
The River Column hastily formed square.
More Mahdists appeared on the flank of the column.
The Desert Column were watched by the same Mahdists that had shadowed them on day 3.
Captain Barrington-Smythe pulled his steamers to the left bank to pick up any locals wishing leave the Sudan.
As the Steamers waited the the drums stopped.
With blood curdling cry the Mahdist hordes charged.
The River Column square was hit quickly by Mahdists from the oasis. They hit the Cameron Highlanders and the screw gun battery.
After a bloody melee the square repulsed the the enemy and the Mahdists withdrew.
Another smaller group hit Berkshires with same result.
The British artillery was being fired at by Dervish Riflemen, who were being far more accurate than they should have been!
The next Mahdists hit the square the side and rear corner. Again ground occupied by the Cameron Highlanders.
Good closing volleys from the Cameron’s thinned the Mahdist numbers.
The melee was a bloody affair!
But again the Mahdists were repulse!
The Desert Column was still in its square using the river as it’s secure flank.
This gave them more Rifles facing inland!
The Bengal lancers helped out charging smaller formations.
The Egyptian artillery caused many casualties on one group charging in.
The West Kent’s volley was again controlled and deadly.
But all Mahdists contacted the Lancers or square.
Both squadrons of Cavalry won their melees and repulsed the Mahdists.
The Machine guns received supportive fire from infantry in the square. This added
to 9 rounds they managed to get off before they jammed Was just enough to tip the balance in the melee.
Although casualties were heavy the Mahdists withdrew.
The West Kent’s followed up their volley with cold steel and again the Mahdists withdrew.
All through these melees the Black Watch where being peppered with fire from a large group of Riflemen.
So halfway through the day and all Mahdist attacks repulsed.
Worryingly all Mahdist groups are only a charge away
It’s all on the dice next weekend!!
getting to be a good scrap!
It’s getting rather hairy… time to don native dress and slip away!
The collection is awe inspiring, gents 🙂
Cheers Chris. We are very pleased with it. Just want it to be even bigger.
Richard C mentioned that you need another 500 Mahdists! Wow